An important part of any custom website is choosing which content management system or CMS (backed) to use with your sexy newly designed layout (frontend).


These 3 CMS applications (WordPress-Joomla-Drupal) actually have a lot of common functions and similarities.

1)All 3 CMS are written with the PHP programming language

2)All 3 are licensed under GNU or General Public License and therefore is free

3)All 3 CMS rely on the MySQL database save,display and edit content inside a website


Each CMS offers positives and negatives and Web designers in Bangkok, web developers in Thailand, bloggers and non-techy end users all have their own respective takes on which open-source CMS is best?

Who is the king of Content Management Systems(CMS) ?- WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal


cms-wars-joomla-wordpresssource: devious media

For more information about picking the right CMS for your SME or Startup please contact us Today.

+Sal Amer